WALLOFWHISKY.COM is available for a strategic transaction

A premium domain name like WALLOFWHISKY.COM can help your business achieve instant brand recognition, significantly lower marketing expenses, maximise brand recall, and accelerate value creation.

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Having naming issues? You are not alone.

People are trusting us with their finances and TryDave just didn't seem to give me the same confidence as Dave.com

Source: Namepros

Jason Wilk
Co-founder, CEO
Company: Dave
Domain name: Dave.com

We understood that many people thought our site was already Punchbowl.com even though at the time it was MyPunchbowl.com.

Source: Namepros

Matt Douglas
Company: PunchBowl
Domain name: PunchBowl.com

The problem with not having the .com of your name is that it signals weakness.

Source: PaulGraham.com

Paul Graham
Entrepreneur, VC, Co-founder
Y Combinator

Standing out just gets harder when people confuse you with other companies.

Source: Entrepreneur.com

Noah Kagan
Company: Sumo
Domain name: Sumo.com

We needed a name that would be understood and easy to remember. It was very important for us to have a simple brand that has the ability to be recognized and understood globally.

Source: Namepros

Gregory R. Lettieri
Company: Recycle Track Systems
Domain name: RTS.com

(Our) original domain name is not easy to understand for players from countries other than China. Therefore, we found it necessary to adjust it.

Source: Namepros

Company: 37Games
Domain name: 37.com

We saw our customers confusing us with some of the other companies in the industry, and wanted to remedy that issue. Our service is so different and unique in comparison with the competition that these confusions might cost us a lot of opportunities.

Source: Namepros

Oliver Dlouhy
Company: Kiwi
Domain name: Kiwi.com

(The entire team's) main concern is the length of TuftandNeedle.com along with its difficulty to type. At thirteen characters and consisting of three words, their concerns were well founded.

Source: Namepros

Tuft & Needle
PR Department
Company: Tuft & Needle
Domain name: TN.com

DoorBot was an awesome name but not a name that you can build a long lasting meaningful business around.

Source: Namepros

Jamie Siminoff
Company: Ring
Domain name: Ring.com

While Flipdish(.com) was taken, both Flipdish(.ie) and Flipdish(.co.uk) were available. We ran with these for a while but as soon as we started thinking internationally, we had a problem.

Source: MU Interview

Conor McCarthy
Company: Flipdish
Domain name: Flipdish.com

While they would often find their way to .net, it was a poor experience and lowered the value of the company in the eyes of our biggest prospects.

Source: NamePros

Jacob Smith
Company: Packet
Domain name: Packet.com

We have grown into a multi-faceted solution with many ever-growing features, and our platform offerings have really expanded beyond the initial application stage.

Source: MarkUpgrade Blog

Kathryn Ross
Company: Phrase
Domain name: Phrase.com

What would 40% increase in direct traffic mean to your business?

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Your point of contact

Hi, I'm Tatiana, founder of MarkUpgrade.

I’ve run a wide variety of IT and marketing related businesses, before finally settling on what felt right for me and embodied all of my passions - names. Working with entrepreneurs from the very early stages of their business, I found it fascinating, the difference that naming an idea makes.

Where do domain names come into that? Like it or not, we live in a world that is increasingly digital. And if you don’t own the best domain name for your brand, you are losing money, credibility and trust. It sounds very simple but most people (myself included!) learn the hard way.

I work with names suitable for global businesses, for entrepreneurs who are confident in their projects and abilities, for ideas that can make this world a better place. If any of this sounds like you, get in touch, let’s see what we can achieve together.

Our process

Introduction call

During the introduction call we aim to understand your needs and requirements. You are welcome to ask any questions, we may have some questions too, in order to determine if we are a fit. Please note there are no price discussions at this stage.


If after the introduction call you conclude WALLOFWHISKY.COM is the best domain name for your brand, it is time to get to work. What is the best way to secure WALLOFWHISKY.COM for your business? What is the investment you can afford towards this asset and what challenges will it solve in return? How does your vision for the domain align with that of WALLOFWHISKY.COM’s current owner? How can we make this work? We will explore options together for as long as it takes to answer all the questions that will lead to an effective solution.

Domain transaction

If we reach an agreement on securing WALLOFWHISKY.COM for your brand, we will guide you through the process to completion. Whether it is an equity, partnership or cash only transaction - you have our ongoing support and professional approach.

What is the cost of doing nothing?

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“Companies pay too much attention to the cost of doing something. They should worry more about the cost of not doing it."

Philip Kotler
Author, Marketing Professor, Economist and Consultant, Founder of World Marketing Summit

How much risk are you willing to take with your brand?

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Considering upgrading an existing domain?
You're in good company

What is your brand name strategy?

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You have arrived

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of WALLOFWHISKY.COM. As the news spread amongst your partners, employees, and customers, your mobile is ringing for three days. You've got a huge number of calls, a mailbox full of messages and congrats. Everything is looking good but you need a bit of time, to process it all, to see the numbers.

It has now been six months and the numbers are in! 40% increase in direct traffic, then shortly after the number is 70%. Repeat customers have grown well over 200%. Who would have thought? Increased trust, word of mouth, no traffic leaks, an important immunity against another brand who may grab the domain, better SEO and more effective marketing campaigns. You didn't even realize you were missing on all of those before.

It's been a year now. You sit back and reflect, you've spent three months and a small fortune to acquire WALLOFWHISKY.COM, and looking back you conclude, it was the best investment you have ever made.

We hope you enjoyed the journey. While the story is fictional, it is based on real people and real events, all of which are listed below.

After acquiring user.com we noted 300% increase in traffic.

Tomasz Sawicki, CMO User.com
You will lose all word of mouth marketing if you don’t have a good name. Most people choose their name because the domain is available. That’s a really bad idea. I spent 3 months and $182,000 negotiating for Mint.com, and it was the best purchase I ever made.

Aaron Patzer, Mint.com

What is your vision for WALLOFWHISKY.COM?

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...and hundreds of others.

How committed are you to your brand's success?

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From door to door, print advertising and billboards, through digital marketing, search engines and now - the world accessible from a screen in our pocket - the way businesses reach customers has, and will continue to change over time. 2000-2010 was marked with the smart phones making everything possible on the go and from the palm of our hands, big data - tech giants (and not only) discovering the power of tracking consumer behavior, blockchain, AI and voice.

Spotting consumer trends and patterns, voice searches, multiple devices - all that has affected and taken the way entreprenerus see and use domains to a whole new level.

Let’s look at how have brands and their domain names evolved over the last decade.

Free resource
A decade in domains

How can we help you reach your brand goals?

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When is the right time to invest in your brand?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Premium Domain Name?

A Premium Domain Name is a domain that has characteristics above the norm. Such characteristics could be strong commercial appeal, short, catchy, keyword rich, brandable, generic, descriptive, memorable, and appealing.

Is this domain for sale?

The domain name is available for a strategic transaction, a cash-only offer may be entertained as well.

What is the price for this domain name?

Our process is based on "Make An Offer". If after our introduction call you determine that you wish to submit a business proposal or a cash-only offer for a particular name, we will provide you with guidance on how to proceed.

How do I value the domain for my business?

The value of a Premium Domain Name lies in the value such a domain brings to the acquiring business. What is the value of a domain that can simplify your message, increase sales and direct traffic, open global markets, and save you money on marketing and advertising?

How does securing a Premium Domain Name work?

After you fill in the contact form below, you will receive an email with some extra information about the name and our process of work. If after that you feel we are a fit, you can book a call to discuss further with us.

Do you work with brokers / agents / advisers ?

Our requirement is to have an open line of communication with the acquiring party. We understand the value an adviser may bring to the negotiation and so your adviser is welcome to attend our meeting/s with you.

Why do you have so much information on this page?

Education is the key to unlocking the full potential of your brand. We're just doing our part.

If you don't invest in your brand, who will?

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When it comes to domain names, we understand you have options. You can register a new domain name, add a word or a hyphen, or get a local domain extension. As a matter of fact, if you are just testing an idea, if your products or services are limited to a local market, or if you're creating a non profit or a hobby project, we would advise you to do just that.

If however you determine that the domain WALLOFWHISKY.COM has the potential to uplift your brand and that you have the infrastructure and vision to extract the maximum value from such a strategic investment, we want to help and are looking forward to hearing from you.